"You could just unwrap it," Jack called out, from behind them. "I've got a sensor pad back on the TARDIS-" "Read the heat signature or the atomic whatever." "If it were rock salt, they'd have given us an ice-cream maker to go along with it." Donna walloped him in the arm. "Gold bricks ? Lead bricks ? Rock salt ?"
#Present and accounted for full#
"What is this full of ?" she wondered aloud. Donna wandered up, curious, and gave them a hand, straining under the weight. The box was too large for one person to lift, and, as they slid both of their arms underneath it to maneuver it off the table, they discovered it was also incredibly dense. His was the-" the Doctor whispered briefly in her ear. "Could be from Jack," she said, dubiously. It was perhaps not the most appetizing illustration.) ("Teflon makes everything slide off," he'd said once, cheerfully demonstrating on his own suit with a pan of marinara sauce. It was not Donna's gift, which had actually been gift certificates to several better outer-planet spas (but no shuttle tickets, she'd insisted, oddly vehement.) It was not Martha and Tom's generous appliance purchase- a washer/dryer combo that would not try to put Teflon on all of her clothes like the fiftieth-century machine that the Doctor had always carted around.
#Present and accounted for professional#
It was not the sloppily-taped but lovingly be-ribboned effort of Mickey, nor the professional and elegant gift from Sarah-Jane. Curiosity tugged, she circled it, eyeing the neat but not overly elaborate wrapping. It's got to be-" he said, then stopped, itched the back of his neck with his free hand, and shrugged. The overlarge box sitting on the edge of the gift table, somehow, did not. Without turning around, Rose could tell three things- her mother had drunk slightly too much of the ungodly expensive Crellian champagne and now she and Mickey were starting in on the cheap Californian stuff Jack was hitting on both Sarah-Jane and Donna simultaneously and getting A.) nowhere and B.) somewhere and that Martha and Tom were murmuring to one another in playful tones about how their decorations were going to be at their own celebration. They stared at the table together, hand in hand the happy chatter of their friends at a low buzz behind them.

"Doctor," Rose began, in a mild tone, "who's that great big present from ?"